Wald Entertainment AB

Wald Entertainment AB
Nytt avsnitt av min sitcom "Mina problem" finns nu på Youtube. Klicka på bilden!

fredag 11 juni 2010

OJ! Jag gjorde det igen och igen!

Nu har jag varit med i p3 igen. Lyssna här! En timme och en kvart in i programmet kommer jag in och "gör min grej".

4 kommentarer:

  1. Link does not work...you might wanna check it...

  2. Yeah, now its working...

    Best part to program: The "excuse machine"...hahahahaha...nice...defintely worth buying...

    Rest of the show: The women sounded way too excited...and yet, they managed to be dry. Interesting combination: Excited voice but dry opinions.

    Anyway, it was worth listening to. So, thanks for that.

  3. Oh, thats supposed to be "best part OF the program"...
